Friday, November 03, 2006

Bubba in the Burbs

Bubba's second visit to NJ has been quite fun.

Stair climbing. He's learning how to climb house steps. He has only done the steps in the park which are shallower and wider. In the house, I guess it looks steep so Bubba gets scared. *sigh* But he's learned how to run down the stairs. I'm still trying to get him to go up the stairs. There have been two techniques applied:
1) Mom-Dad Technique: Place Bubba on the steps and move his legs for him mimicking what he should do to get up the steps. Bubba just gets all tense and keeps peering down to run down the steps because that is all he knows how to do.
2) Cindy Technique: Strap on the leash. Drag him up 2-3 steps. Bubba at that point stops resisting and he runs up the entire flight of steps! Success! Now how do I get him to get over the first 2-3 steps... Hmmm...

Goose poop. Bubba likes to eat goose poop. Gross!

Saying goodbye. My mom left for work this morning. Bubba sat by the front door and he whined. I was upstairs with Bubba. He sat at the top of the steps and watched my dad leave. He whined. I think he whines whenever someone leaves. I thought it was because he really liked them. He just doesn't like to see people leave.

Knowing my name. My mom asked me if Bubba knew my name.
Me: Um. How would he?
Mom: Well, Fraggle knows Chris and Zimmy's name.
Me: I don't usually call myself when I'm at home. I do live alone you know.
Mom: *laughing* Oh yeah. I guess he wouldn't know your name.


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